Week 2: Inner Healing: A week of Victory and Freedom


This week we had the honor of having Johnathan and Priscilla Langone, who are pastors at Creekside Ministries, http://www.creeksidefishers.org/,  in Ind teaching us this week for a week focused on Inner Healing: A week of Victory and Freedom.  Jonathan and Priscilla are amazing radical followers of Jesus. They are both Deaf which was amazing to have them be able to teaching and minister to our students in their native language, American Sign Language. They were radical atmosphere shifters, always bringing us to a place of thankfulness and praise to God!

The week started with discussing the culture of honor and how we are called to honor one another by speaking things that "is helpful for building other up according their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" Eph 4:29b.  And acknowledging the work that God is doing in other people's lives.  And valuing others with who God made them to be and their story, journey of life that God has brought them through.  We went around and honored each other by speaking truth about who they are and what things we have seen in each other.  Already, there was healing happening as we spoke God's truth and identity into each other.  I knew that God has big plans for the week.

Throughout the week, each student (starting with Dan and I) had an individual session with Jonathan and Priscilla and me giving them the opportunity to pray through mother and father wounds, hurts from their childhood and choose to walk in forgiveness.  They also taught basic principles of the bible related to inner healing and the life of abundance life that Jesus died for us. Such as the power of forgiveness, and how forgiveness is a choice, a fact we choose, which then our feelings come into agreement with our decision.  We all become more vulnerable before God and opened ourselves to know God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit better and saw miraculous things.  We had a time of worship and prayer for more of God to come into our lives and praying over each other and speaking out our new identity. 

(Jonathan leading us in saying "Thank you Jesus!")

On Thursday, after each student had their session, we shared testimonies.  We all prayed that our walls would be thrown down and that we could be open with each other, and yes they were! Shelby started with her testimony of what God had done this week, which opened up others to be honest about even more areas in their lives that God still wanted to heal.  Liza continued with the testimonies and it broke openness in the room.  God still wanted to do so much in each of our lives and we were open. Each of us were courageous allowing God to heal deep wounds.  We all learned that testifying what God has done open doors in other people lives for healing. We allowed God to have victory in our lives and experience the joys of walking in freedom!

God finished the week with a BAM as Jonathan and Priscilla had dinner with Jason and Kimberlee Hershey. And they stayed for the WHOP prayer meeting from 7 to 9. Jason asked them to join him and help lead the prayer time for Gallaudet University and the Deaf in DC.  Praying for people who are saved to be revived and the lost saved.  We had about an hour of worship when Jason asked them to come and pray. Jonathan stirred the room with a heart felt and powerful prayer calling back Gallaudet University back to its original design to train and send out pastors and missionaries.  Passion for the lost invaded the room.  Priscilla followed with an encouraging word that in every face we see God and for us to open our eyes to see him in every face we met.  And prayed for DC in general from the white house to the homeless.  Their prayers ignited the room for the heart of God.  We prayed in small groups for Gallaudet University.  The room roared with prayers.  Afterwards, Brandon Josiah and Tabitha lead the prayer room in songs from their hearts in ASL. I interpreted them and the band created choruses with the same spirit and message. Brandon song was to turn it up the spirit of God in DC, Josiah sang a song of wells springing up and Tabitha's was how the word of God was bubbling up all around us and we could not contain it! The room was filled with rejoicing and song and signing as everyone joined in as the Deaf lead the choruses!

Other praise related to worship this week is that Kari decided to dive into learning the drums and has been playing the drums during worship sets following other drummers to keep the beat! Liza has always wanted to learn the guitar and voice lessons. This week she decided to declare it and share it with me.  I get excited.  She had it was hard to share because she has shared it in the past and many people have said that she can not because she is Deaf.  I said you have a beautiful voice, as she has the ability to speak and you can sing and play the guitar!  She was excited.  A couple days later in the prayer room, God put the idea in my heart to give her my guitar that I got.  So I left the prayer room immediately and got my guitar and wrote a letter and left it on her bed!  She was overjoyed when she saw it and Dan already given her a guitar lesson! 

Jonathan and Priscilla were amazing!  Dan and I enjoyed getting to know and having the opportunity to fellowship with another couple who is RADICAL for JESUS!  We know that this week was only the start of a friendship and partnership with them to bring God's kingdom here on earth!

Week 1: Setting Kingdom Culture and Living Lives Centered around the Presence of God


Week 1: Setting Kingdom Culture and Living Lives Centered around the Presence of Jesus

This week we had Jeremy Baldwell and a crew from YWAM Harrisburg, PA come and impart what does it mean to live in the kingdom culture.  We were together with the David's Tent DTS. We are people of thankfulness, who love happy holiness, live a life of excellence and an unoffendable heart, who are radical initiators and servants. We are world changers, and people who set the temperature in the room and change the atmosphere, bring Jesus's light wherever we go. Walking into God's heart for the lost and the world and declaring that we will go! Lord, here I am send me! This was a week of creating a family tight bond with each other through honestly sharing and times of seeking the Lord.

Highlights from this week:

Brandon sharing his testimony, as we took turns sharing testimonies in the large group, getting to know each other from the ASL DTS and the David's Tent DTS.  As Brandon shared his life story and how he was rescued from darkness and into God's marvelous light, most of the group was opened up to share more deeper things afterwards.  Many were brought to tears by the power of his testimony!

During one of the worship nights, Renca was moved to tears rolling down her face.  As she was crying, she felt a hand wipe her tears from the right side of her face.  Her left check was still pouring from tears.  She assumed that a friend next to her had wiped her check.  As she felt her right check it was completely dry and as she opened her eyes no one was sitting next to her or close enough to wipe her check.  She checked again and her check was dry.  Jesus wiped Renca's tears from her check!

Jeremy decided to champion a Samuel (a student in Davids Tent DTS) by encouraging him to lead us in worship in the stairwell of the church when the evening before, he heard Samuel and Rachel (his girlfriend, who is on our staff) worshiping Jesus together on their free time. 

Another worship night, toward the end of the 2 hour set, Michelle, a girl in the Davids Tent DTS, felt like one of the Deaf people had a song that was supposed to be sung out.  Everyone looked at Brandon.  As Brandon, closed his eyes, he said my heart is pounding so hard and fast right now.  And he began to sing. He signed "Come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit we will dance we will dance."  His eyes were closed as he was worshiping the Lord, and as I interpreted I asked the worship band to create a song based on Brandon's worship and they did.  As the room started to sing the chorus we all broke out into dancing.  Brandon is still  signing his song to the Lord on the floor with his eyes closed.  As she opens his eyes, he is overwhelmed with the whole room (50 people) dancing around him he starts to cry and falls to the floor with joy.  He eventually gets up and dances with the room, worshiping Jesus!

Our group practicing sharing the gospel with each other in our training groups! 

Josiah heard the voice of the Lord clearly and obeyed by stepping out in boldness and courage and asking someone he has wronged for forgiveness.  He went so much better than what he expected!


Liza became a voice for the voiceless as she shared the statistics of the people who know Jesus in the Deaf community with the class, 2-4 %, making the Deaf community the 4th unreached people group in the world. Which led the both schools into an intercession time for the Deaf community and for workers to be send out into the harvest field! We had a break and during the break, as a school the students choose to continue to pray for the Deaf community with the same heart and mind.  As we were huddled in a group praying, the David's Tent DTS and Harrisburg crew were praying for us!

Tabitha wrote a love poem to Jesus, about how she was madly, passionately in love with him.  That He was all she wanted and who she dreamed about all night and woke up thinking about in the morning.  She lead us in an hour of worship as she read out from the Psalms and her own poems for an hour, creating a place of worship to Jesus corporately through ASL.  Then she taught us about the culture of faith, "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1.  Afterwards, she led us into an activity to step into faith.  She partnered us up and had one of us blindfolded and trust our partner to guide us to walk and then led us into running.  Each of us learned more about our own walks of faith such as when we fall our partner was always there to pick us up (Jesus).

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Fourth of July fireworks at the National Cathedral hill and seeing fireflies sparkle in the night afterwards.

Friday night worship/prayer set, where Dan interpreted most of the 2 hours and lead the whole room in signing, "DC to Jesus"! Jason made Dan get on a chair and sign it for all in the room to see! It was a prayer meeting with an explanation point! An amazing worship set of unity among the staff, as Kayla typed words of the songs, Dan interpreted the songs, Rachel read out scripture and Carole worshiped and interpreted prayers.

Spending time during the week, creating vows to Jesus. Dan lead a ceremony in the Bishop Gardens, celebrating Jesus, speaking our vows aloud, taking communion and receiving a ring as a symbol of the commitments each of the students made and promising to hold one another accountable to our vows. 
Below are pictures from the ceremony! 

Josiah: Leadership
Brandon: Filled with the Joy of Holy Spirit
Renca: Women of Excellence
Liza: Freedom
Tabitha: Heart of Worship 
Shelby: Overcomer
Kari: Intimate lover of Jesus


Showing off our rings, that say "I am my beloved's and he is mine" in English and Hebrew!

ASL DTS Begins: Orientation Weekend and First Day of Classes


ASL DTS Group Picture
Back Row: Kari, Brandon, Dan, Josiah, Shelby
Sides: Renca and Liza
Front Row: Rachel, Carole, Kayla, Tabitha

God has hand picked this amazing group of people! So excited for the journey ahead with them! Below are the words that God gave us to pray out for this chosen group!

 world changers, radically living for Jesus, leaders who love to be challenged and want to grow, intimate lovers of God, marked by the love of God, citizens of heaven, strangers on earth, minds set on heavenly things, people who do not conform to the patterns of this world but are transformed by the renewing of your minds, salt and light of the earth and are chosen, sons and daughters, princes and princess of the King, willingly to give your rights up to become a slave to Christ, speakers of truth and have your foundation built on the Rock, Jesus Christ, grateful and thankful, who always have praise on your lips. People of radical faith, live holy lives, have a heart for the lost and are humble, eager to learn with a teachable spirit and heart, courageous, forgivers, and radical disciples of Jesus!

This weekend was a whirlwind of picking up students, moving in, worship and prayer, amazing teaching, good fellowship, being open and honest, sacrificing things to make move for God in our lives, supporting each others, getting to know each other and time with Jesus! Enjoy some pictures from this weekend! 

Kari arriving at the Dulles airport at 5:00 am! 

Shelby in the dorm reading through the student manual after setting up her area. 

Brandon and Liza all packed up in our van ready for the DTS to start! 

Dan sharing OUR STORY: History of ASL DTS.  He has been signing non-stop for the last 4 days!
Sharla, Washington House of Prayer (WHOP) staff communicating with writing on a napkin with Josiah at lunch time. 

Nate, WHOP staff hanging out and playing chess with Kari!

Loriel, a friend in DC, came and lead us in a discussion on how we can value each other's unique personalities by taking personality tests and discussing each others strengths for living together for the next 6 months! It was a fun time of getting to know each other and how God created us!

We took turns reading through, acting out and teaching all 18 YWAM values to each other!  Check out all of them at http://ywam.org/About-YWAM/Who-we-are/The-Foundational-Values-of-Youth-With-A-Mission

Liza teaching us about YWAM value #10 : Function in teams!

Renca teaching us about YWAM value #4: Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer. 

Tabitha teaching the group about YWAM value #18: Communicating with Integrity. 

First day of class! Jason Hershey, YWAM DC base leader teaching on the nature and character of God! He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovekindness and truth, who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished Exodus 34: 6-7.  It was an amazing first day for TRUTH being poured out! Looking forward to the next 6 months together of knowing God and making Him known!